If you are a researcher, industry professional or academic with innovative work in data analytics or artificial intelligence, we invite you to submit your proposal! The best contributions will be published in collaboration with the international publisher Springer in Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
We accept three types of submissions (LNCS format, Springer). Double-blind peer review will be conducted for regular and short papers.
Regular Paper
(up to 15 pages) – original research contributions
Short Paper
(up to 11 pages) – extended abstracts of novel research
high-quality published or preliminary works
Proceedings & Special Issues
Regular & Short papers will be published in Springer’s LNCS series (post-proceedings).
Abstracts will not be included in LNCS but will be compiled into an electronic book available on the conference website. Abstracts representing preliminary recent works will have the opportunity to be extended into regular paper for inclusion in the LNCS Volume after a double-blind review process.
Selected papers may be invited for other Scopus-indexed journals (to be announced).
Please note: A registration fee will be required for all participants to help cover organizational costs.