MARCH 2024

Dear Readers,

In an era where the boundaries between the tangible and the virtual blur, artificial intelligence (AI) and decision science stand at the forefront, crafting the future of our global society. This transformation, marked by rapid advancements and ethical quandaries, challenges us to redefine our relationship with technology. It propels us into conversations about the essence of human intuition blended with the precision of machine intelligence, underscoring the need for a balanced approach to innovation and regulation.

In this edition of IDA, we delve into the profound shifts shaping the landscape of AI and decision science, guided by the ethos of ethical responsibility and technological stewardship. From the European Union’s pioneering efforts in AI regulation to the visionary project of the Cheshire Cat, we explore the multifaceted dimensions of AI’s impact on society, governance, and the individual. Our journey traverses the realms of synthetic data, showcasing breakthroughs that redefine privacy and utility in the digital age, and ventures into the dynamic world of operations research, illuminating the strategic innovations transforming supply chains and procurement in the pursuit of sustainability and resilience.

Join us as we engage with thought leaders and pioneers who are steering these changes, offering insights and reflections that transcend the conventional. We invite you to be part of this exploration, to engage with the ideas and innovations that are not merely shaping our technological landscape but are also redefining the essence of human agency and creativity in the age of AI.

Let’s embark on this journey together, armed with curiosity and a commitment to ethical inquiry, as we navigate the complexities of this digital renaissance. Your engagement is crucial, for it is together that we can forge pathways towards a future where technology amplifies our potential without compromising our values.

Warm regards,
Luca Lisci,
IDA Editor-in-Chief

There’s new Cat in Town. Interview to Piero Savastano, Cheshire Cat, The Open Source AI Assistant Framework

Piero Savastano, in an interview with Luca Lisci, shares the inception story of the Cheshire Cat, a project inspired[…]

Decision Science in the Age of AI: Embracing the EU’s Ethical and Risk-Based Approach

Europe’s AI Act sets a global standard for regulating Artificial Intelligence, focusing on risk, safety, and transparency. This initiative,[…]

Decision Science Selected Trend for 2024, by IDA Editorial Team

The IDA Editorial Team outlines three decisive trends for 2024: the adoption of cutting-edge technologies in supply chain management,[…]

DSA Meets Partner Companies: Interview with Daniele Panfilo, AIndo platform that generates synthetic data for AI development

Daniele Panfilo, co-founder of Aindo, transitioned from engineering and data science in medical and insurance sectors to entrepreneurship. Aindo[…]

Game Theory: Play to bear complexity

Dive into the strategic world of game theory, a realm where economics meets psychology, exploring how rational actors make[…]

Pilot Training: complexity of the human-technology sinergy. The Humai Research perspective.

In this edition of IDA, Luca Lisci sits down with Giacomo Belloni and Fabrizio Interlandi, the pioneering minds behind[…]

So the personal is the social: systemic thinking. The personal research of Gianluigi Merlino.

In an insightful conversation, Luca Lisci explores with Gianluigi Merlino the impact of systems thinking and the critique of[…]

DSA Meets Partner Companies: Interview with Eugenio D’Ursi, Automate

In our insightful interview with Eugenio D’Ursi of Automate, partner of the DSA, we explore the fusion of academic[…]

Revolutionizing Medicine with Data Intelligence: Giorgio Villani’s Multidisciplinary Approach

In “Revolutionizing Medicine with Data Intelligence: Giorgio Villani’s Multidisciplinary Approach,” we explore the innovative approach of decision science through[…]

Inform, Decide, Act: the DSA Perspective

In this editorial from Raffaele Maccioni, President of DSA, we delve into the critical role of the Decision Science[…]

Operational Research: Methods and Applications

We are excited to review an insightful article titled “Encyclopedia of Operational Research: Methods and Applications,” a comprehensive resource[…]

IDA – representing Inform, Decide, Act – is the collaborative Voice of the Decision Science Alliance. We’re more than just a media outlet; we’re a comprehensive platform offering a rich blend of content in various engaging formats. At IDA, we’re passionate about connecting you with the world of decision science, enriching your knowledge and inspiring informed actions. Dive into this dynamic field with us and be part of a community that’s shaping the future of decision-making.

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Biannual Print Edition (COMING SOON)

Our special print editions, released twice a year, provide a deeper look into the evolving landscape of decision science, presenting thought-provoking themes and insights.

Politics & Governance: "Decisions in Power"

Exploring how collective decisions affect society, from cultural trends to ethics. Focus on how Decision Making can influence positive social change.

Health & Well-being: "Vital Decisions"

Exploring how collective decisions affect society, from cultural trends to ethics. Focus on how Decision Making can influence positive social change.

Leadership & Vision: "Leading Decisively"

Articles and interviews focused on how global leaders make decisions that affect entire organizations and nations, opening discussions about the future of Science in Decision Making. Advice and strategies to improve decision-making skills at the leadership level.

Society & Trends: "Social Decisions"

Insights into healthcare decisions, from medical research to hospital management with Decision Science. Interviews with doctors, scientists, researchers and health professionals on critical issues and innovations.

Industry & Innovation: "Making Decisions"

In-depth analysis of how decision strategies through science and technology affect global markets, investment strategies and economic policies. Interviews with world-renowned financial leaders and economists.

Finance & Economics: "Budgetary Decisions"

In-depth analysis of how decision strategies through science and technology affect global markets, investment strategies and economic policies. Interviews with world-renowned financial leaders and economists.

Sport & Athleticism: "Decisions on the Pitch"

Behind the scenes of tactical and strategic decisions in the world of sport. Interviews with athletes, coaches and executives on key decision-making moments.

Art & Culture: "The Art of Decision"

Explore how artists and curators make creative decisions. Analysis of works of art and performances through the lens of Decision Making.


Your Expertise Can Shape the Future of Decision Science

IDA is looking for talented individuals like you to join our editorial team. We believe that your unique perspectives, groundbreaking research and innovative ideas can significantly contribute to our mission of enhancing decision-making through science and technology.

  • Share your expertise on Decision Science methods, trends and applications.
  • Present your latest findings and how they’re shaping our understanding of decision-making.
  • Narrate success stories and lessons learned from real-world applications of Decision Science.

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